My journey of discovery
Stories can stay with you for longer periods of time. My own passion started off at school where I loved painting and especially drawing. It was only in 2004 when I took up painting again through an introduction class. That is when I discovered drawing and painting as a fascinating way of expressing myself.
Exploring the inner and outer world with pen and brush, dialoguing with man and nature, interacting with colours and forms revealed to be not only a beautiful passion but also a confrontation with my inner demons. Painting and drawing taught me and continues to teach me many lessons in life.
My interests being very diversified and my curiosity pushing me to new horizons, I keep on educating myself at various Academies with well-known artists. This allows me to discover new ways, new techniques and simply think outside the box, leaving my comfort zone. On my way still, not knowing where it will lead me.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a cherished French author said once: "What good is it to fly to the moon if we cannot overcome the gulf that separates us from ourselves? This is the most important of all journeys, and without it all the others are useless".